Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Supermodels Go Super Natural

For the Harper's Bazaar September issue, photographer Peter Lindbergh shot the supers totally natural...sans makeup, retouching, everything. It's interesting to see which models' aging process dealt best with the stress and weight of this business. We have; Tatiana Patitz, Shalom Harlow, Nadia Auermann, Kristen McMenamy, Helena Christensen, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, and Amber Valletta. Personally I think Amber(35), Claudia (38), Shalom(35), Nadia(38) and Tatiana(43) look great. On the other hand, Cindy looks beat, Helena looks gorgeous except I could've done without the sagging girls.. and Kristen looks like insomnia is her number one enemy. But I have to say, these ladies have balls to pose au natural.

1 comment:

  1. loving the idea of natural. but i do agree age is catching up to some of these ladies. i also love love love that they're showing their flaws(even though they barely have any for their age)and not giving into all the botox thats ruining the beauties of the world.
